Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Thanksgiving Memories of Asia Cazier

I remember the year that Grandma Irene and Grandpa Woody came to our house for Thanksgiving.

It was close to dinner time, the house smelled of turkey and stuffing, and my parents were finishing up the last few side dishes.  My dad was whipping up the mashed potatoes (without salt or butter because it was the 90s and fat free food was in).  Grandma Irene was sneaking salt and butter into the potatoes because that's what makes mashed potatoes taste good.  My mom was getting the can opener to open up a can of something I had never seen before.

With the lid off the can, my mom grabbed the nearest clean stoneware plate (no fine china for us) and flipped the can upside down over the plate.  At first nothing happened, but then I heard a little slurping noise and out came a red, jelly-like substance looking exactly  like the can it just came out of.

And that was it.  It went on the table as is.

It was that Thanksgiving that I found out that Grandpa Woody loved cranberry sauce.  At first I thought he loved it in "can" shape because that it how it was presented on the table.  Later during dinner, he knocked the erect cranberry sauce on its side and cut it up in slices.

It was also at that Thanksgiving that the kitchen sink was clogged with about two tons of potato peels.  And at that Thanksgiving that Grandpa left us with a prayer and offered up thanks that we could spend Christmas together.  No sooner had the words come out of his mouth than the correct holiday, "Thanksgiving," was said in a monotone, steady voice by another participant in the prayer.

That was a Thanksgiving to remember.

So when you enjoy your Thanksgiving meal this year, please do consider including a can of cranberry sauce.

By Asia Cazier, daughter of Richard and Lani Moore

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